What do I do? ✍

It's the year 2024. Welcome to the digital age where everything is progressing faster than ever. You get news by the minute. You consume content in various forms: text, image, video, audio; you name it.To keep up with this ever changing realm, I create content.

Yet Another Tech Podcast

It's informal, yet informative.
Voices you recognize, topics you want to know more about.
"What's in a name?", they said.

window.SubstackFeedWidget = { substackUrl: "shimondas.substack.com", posts: 3, hidden: ["date"] };

You're in safe hands. 🀝

I consider key opportunities in life to be a privilege, not a right. One must maintain a balance, since too many cooks spoil the broth.Hence, I opt to work with a close circle whom I trust and have my views alligned with.Here are some brands I've worked or collaborated with in the past:

(I won't judge you if you like Pineapples on Pizzas.)

Get in touch! πŸ“¨

Like what you see? Have any projects in mind?
Would you like to collaborate? Do you like Pizzas?
Come, let’s have a chat!

Thank you!

Your email is on the way! Electronic Postmen are hard at work. πŸ“¨πŸ“­
Stay tight and I'll get back to you asap!